Sunday, March 30, 2008

All dressed up...

... and no place to go!

Olivia actually owns SEVERAL dresses but never really has a chance to wear them. Dresses are not condusive to Michigan weather. And lets face it- tights do not work on babies. They just don't fit right. And her cute little shoes... yeah right. She kicks her socks off when I put them on her. What made me think she was going to keep shoes on? So... since she has so many dresses and not many occasions to wear them I am just going to play dress up and take some pictures. Most likely they will be posted for all to enjoy (don't laugh... I know you love them!)!

* Side note: This stinkin' cute ensemble was purchased for my sweet little niece, anna, by yours truly (aka Auntie Karen) almost 6 years ago and now has been handed down to Livy. Thanks for sharing your clothes, Anna!


Jen said...

That ensemble looks awfully familiar!

Very cute!!!

Unknown said...

So stinkin cute!!!

Jenny Susan said...

Did you ever think that the outfits you bought for your niece would be used by your own daughter!! How cute!