Friday, October 24, 2008

Greenfield Village

Tonight we, along with our good friends the Bologna's, headed to Greenfield Village for some Halloween fun! Despite the rain we had a great time. The Bologna's little girl is 3 months younger than Olivia, so as you can imagine, we were very excited to dress our girls up in their Halloween costumes. Mackenze was a beautiful little flower and Olivia was a cutie pahtootie little penguin. 800 carved jack-o'lanterns lit our path as we went trick or treating. My question is this: How long does it take to gut and carve 800 pumpkins?

Seriously... how cute are they?

Our little pengiun was DONE with pictures at this point!


Jen said...

She is a VERY cute penguin! But, she doesn't look very happy about it ;-)

~K~ said...

SO FUN!!! I didn't know they did this there. We have GOT to set a date for October, 2011!!!