Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Day at the Zoo!

Today was Olivia's first trip to the zoo. Us, along with some friends, decided to take our little ones to the zoo for some family fun- what were we thinking??????? Now don't get me wrong it was a ton of fun but 4 kids at the zoo was quite an adventure- and two of the kids were babies! Olivia had a great day. She loves being outside in the sunshine and was loving watching everything that was going on around her. While the napping was few and far between she did great.
A Family Picture!

Daddy and Livy
She loves riding in the stroller!
Time for a short nap!
I should note that all the animal pictures were taken by Ryan with specific instructions that they were for the blog!

1 comment:

Milano Party of 7 said...

"4 kids at the zoo was quite an adventure".....AHUM! Try five!!! ;)

It looks like you all had a lot of fun. I SO want to visit the Detroit Zoo when we are there!