Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fuzzy Head!

It seems that everywhere we take Olivia people always comment on how much hair she has. Then they take one look at her mommy and realize where she got it from. Many people say her hair looks like a little toupe or insist it will still fall out. Silly people! Her hair is not going any where! It has grown longer since birth and seems to be getting lighter as well. When she gets out of the bath there is a little curl to it and is very fuzzy. She is our little fuzz head! Here she is right after a bath- hair flipping out and all!!!

1 comment:

~K~ said...

How is it possible that I can be so in love with a baby that I've never even seen? Guess it's because it's the daughter of my best friend, who I love with all my heart. We waited so long for this little girl and I just can't get enough of looking at her.

I love you my friend!!