Saturday, March 8, 2008

Dear whoever will listen...

Hi everybody. Olivia here. I was hoping that somebody could please have a talk with my mommy and ask her to stop buying me funny hats. she is out of control. She went to her first mom to mom sale today and found this one hat that for some reason she could not pass up and this is what happend when she came home.

Mommy says I look like a cutie pahtootie and daddy just keeps rolling his eyes. Any help you could offer would be great. Gotta go... here comes mommy with the camera again.


~K~ said...

Definitely out of control. Livy, I'll try to let her know you aren't a china doll. I'll do my best, but for some reason, I don't think she'll listen. Your mommy can be quite stubborn ya know?

When I come home in June though, I will rescue you for sure!!!!

~K~ said...

Wait....didn't you used to have legs? haha

Jen said...

Poor kiddo looks scared of the animal on her head :-)

You might as well get used to it Livy Lu - I don't see it stopping anytime soon!

You do look adorable though, so, can you blame her?!?