Well... everyone has been bugging me to start a blog and I figured with the arrival of Miss Olivia Grace it would be a good time to start. So with that said...
Olivia Grace made her way into this world on December 14, 2007 at 7:13 a.m. After about 30 hours of labor and 50 minutes of pushing I was able to literally pull our daughter out and welcome her with lots of love and kisses. The labor experience was nothing that I can describe. By the grace of God (and a bit of a stubborn streak) I labored "all naturally." While sometimes I think I am crazy for doing it that way, I wouldn't change a thing. Olivia was born weighing 7 pounds and 7 ounces and measuring 21 inches long. She has long fingers, a full head of dark brown hair (compliments of mommy) and her daddy's eyes. She is perfect in every way.
Olivia Grace made her way into this world on December 14, 2007 at 7:13 a.m. After about 30 hours of labor and 50 minutes of pushing I was able to literally pull our daughter out and welcome her with lots of love and kisses. The labor experience was nothing that I can describe. By the grace of God (and a bit of a stubborn streak) I labored "all naturally." While sometimes I think I am crazy for doing it that way, I wouldn't change a thing. Olivia was born weighing 7 pounds and 7 ounces and measuring 21 inches long. She has long fingers, a full head of dark brown hair (compliments of mommy) and her daddy's eyes. She is perfect in every way.
We had lots of visitors at the birthing center who couldn't wait to love on Livy Lu (Olivia's nickname). Karen's parents and sister were in the birthing room when Olivia was born, Grandma and Grandpa Ballard (Ryan's parents), Joel (Karen'n brother-in-law), Anna and Simon (niece and nephew), Kathy and Dan (Ryan's sister and brother-in-law) and Brittany, Lincoln, Erica and Eric (friends from church).
The First Family Photo!

True Colors!
Showing off Mommy's hair and Daddy's eyes!
Dressed in pink and ready to go home!
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