Sunday, June 29, 2008
Splash Universe!
Today we went with some friends to Splash Universe- an indoor waterpark! It was a lot of fun and Olivia LOVED the water. It was her first time in a pool and it is evident she is going to be a little fishy! As the day went on she began to splash more and more. She constantly kicked her little legs and got mad if we took her out of the water. Looks like it is going to be a fun summer and I foresee lots of trips to the lake and pool!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Sippy Cup Time
So I decided to give Olivia a sippy cup tonight to see what she would do with it. I figured she would just play with it and then throw it. Nope! She grabs it by the handles and puts the spout in her mouth and starts sucking. WHAT? There was only a tiny bit of water in the cup so I helped her tip it back and she started drinking away. She is so smart!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
A Letter to Auntie Jen
Dear Auntie Jen-
You kept telling my mommy to put my hair in piggytails- well she finally listened. Then she decided she needed to take lots of pictures of me with piggys! I love you, Auntie Jen, but I blame you 100% for this! Love, Olivia
PS- These are the sunglasses you bought me for Easter. They look super cute on me Mommy says but I just like to eat them.

You kept telling my mommy to put my hair in piggytails- well she finally listened. Then she decided she needed to take lots of pictures of me with piggys! I love you, Auntie Jen, but I blame you 100% for this! Love, Olivia
PS- These are the sunglasses you bought me for Easter. They look super cute on me Mommy says but I just like to eat them.
Monday, June 23, 2008
A Very Special Meeting
Last June our dear friends, The Milano Family, moved to Georgia to go to school. We were very sad to see them go... especially me since I was pregnant and really wanted Kelly around since she has 5 kids of her own! So through lots of emails, phone calls and texts we have stayed in touch and have been counting down the days until they could come home for a visit and meet our little Olivia. Well... the year actually flew by and they are now visiting for three weeks!!! YAH! We have lots of fun stuff planned while they are here. Tonight they came over for dinner and were able to love all over our baby and Ryan and I were able to love all over their five!
Tim and Livy
Sunday, June 22, 2008
A "Berry" Special Day
Today I decided to be adventurous and take Olivia strawberry picking. We pulled up to the strawberry field at 8:00 a.m.- nice and early. The field was already full of cute little old ladies picking their hearts out. It was so quite and peaceful... I almost felt bad taking Livy out of the car because I knew that the peace and quite was about to be interrupted. And sure enough I get Olivia into her stoller and she starts squealing a yelling with delight. Luckily all the ladies thought Livy was just a doll in her strawberry hat and they did not seem to mind the sudden disruption of silence. So we (and by "we" I mean "me") picked for about and hour and then headed home to make some yummy jam. Olivia was a big help and I am sure when we go next year she will be even more helpful (maybe I'll leave her with daddy next year!).
Watching mommy pick strawberries!
The sweetest berry in the field!
With the loot!
Adding a little extra love (drool) to the strawberries.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Girl is in Charge!
Monday, June 16, 2008
6 Months Already!
* Sitting up is great fun and makes playing with toys so much more interesting
* Fruit and veggies are the best... bottles she would do without if we let her
* Rolling over- highly overrated so why do it?
* Toes are very ticklish
* Outside time is the best time of day
* Livy must have her blanket when she takes a nap. No blanket = No nap
* Jumping has been and still is her FAVORITE thing to do
Happy 6 months little girl! We love you!
Time for a vacation!
We had our first little vacation as a family last weekend! We ventured to Traverse City with Karen's family for a little fun in the sun! I am not sure what we were thinking... 6 adults and 3 children- it was an adventure! While Olivia was a bit out of sorts she had lots of fun hanging with her Grandma and Grandpa, Auntie Jen, Uncle Joel and cousins Anna and Simon. She loved the water and the sand too! It was very windy while we were there which she thought was great- the wind would blow and Olivia would squeal and laugh and stick out her tongue! So now we are home and needing a vacation from our vacation!
Celebrating mommy's 30th birthday!
One big happy family!

In the car ready to go!
First feel of Grand Traverse Bay!
Swinging with Mommy and Grandma!
Livy and Auntie Jen!
Pondering the meaning of life!
First hot tub experience!

Auntie Jen bought Olivia this dress for one of my showers with specific instructions that this was for Traverse City! The time finally came and it fit perfectly! My little sailor girl!
Checking out the water all by herself! Olivia got introduced to bubbles in Traverse City! She is quite confused by them!

One big happy family!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Out of power!
The Ballard home was out of power for a few days due a tree falling on some power lines in our neighbors backyard. Let me tell ya... 6 month old baby + no electricity = mass chaos! We survived though and I took full advantage of having a photo session with my baby! She was very photogenic!
Showing off her polka dot pj's! She is so stinkin' cute!
Showing off her polka dot pj's! She is so stinkin' cute!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
A new way of bathing!
We had to buy Olivia her next step up bathtub because... she is crazy! Her cute little baby tub was getting much too small for her, not to mention now that she can sit up on her own she tries to pull herself up and flip herself over. She was not too sure of the new way of bathing at first but once she discovered her toys it was love! She kept leaning over the front of the seat and splashing in the water!

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