Only four more days of "girl only" fun then daddy comes home! YEAH!.JPG)
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Here mommy goes again!
So mommy is a bit out of control. I have discovered this new store "Once Upon a Child." DANGEROUS! They have the most adorable clothes for the most amazing prices. It is basically a secondhand children's store with name brand clothes. Here, Livy is sporting an Old Navy ensemble for $3.50! That's right! She may look less than thrilled but how could I pass up such a deal?
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Girls Only!
Ryan has been out of town this week working on his "rockstar ways" so Livy and I have been having a girls only week. We have been holding very important conversations about "girl things." I have told her the importance of drinking all her bottle (something she does not like to do) so she can get big muscles to beat up boys later on in life. I have tried to explain to her that the obnoxious, loud burps and toots she lets out are not very lady like nor discreet while out in public. Last night we danced around the house to "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and I taught her how to shake her booty. She found this all to very amusing. Tonights lesson: Girls Rule, Boys Drool (except daddy and grandpas of course).
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
More Fun!
Olivia got a new play gym for Valentine's Day from Grandma and Grandpa. She pretty much thinks it is the coolest thing ever. When she gets a little fussy we lay her under it and she goes to town. She kicks her feet, laughs at herself in the mirror and grabs on to the animals with all her strength.
Happy Girl!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Olivia's big cousin, Anna, came for a visit this weekend. While Livy was a bit of a grump she LOVED her big cousin and was all smiles when Anna sang to her.

This little piggie went to market...
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Best Friends
Every little girl needs a teddy bear! Olivia has discovered her bear, Fleming and loves him. She holds onto his fur and laughs at his funny face. We wonder what she is thinking when she is looking and laughing at him.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Baby Bjorn...
She loves it! She loves the cuddles with mommy. Mommy loves that she can get stuff done. We are hoping for a warm sunny winter day to go for a walk outside soon.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Happy Two Month Birthday!
Olivia turned two months old yesterday. It is hard to believe- where has the time gone? She is becoming such a little lady and we are loving every minute with her. She is still quite the cuddler but loves spending time on the floor as well. Her play gym is her favorite toy and she holds great conversations with the animals dangling above her. Bath time has become a bit more pleasant however we have yet to see a smile while in the bath. But the screaming has stopped so that's progress. She seems to like school and is engrossed with watching the other kids. I think being the bosses kid gets you lots of extra attention. We are so excited to watch her grow and develop into her own little person. Happy two months, Punky!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Daddy's Girls!
Olivia and I snuck out one Sunday afternoon to take some pictures of the two of us for Daddy for Valentine's Day. Here are some of my favorites!
Big Girl!
Olivia is a great night sleeper and has been sleeping through the night since she was five weeks old. She, however, likes to make lots of noises while she sleeps which meant mommy was up all night checking and rechecking on her. So in order for mommy to get some sleep at night we have transitioned Olivia to her bedroom to sleep in her crib. It was a little sad the first night to not have her in the room with us but mommy woke up much more rested than she has been in a long time!

Sunday, February 10, 2008
The Princess Room
Some of you have asked to see picture's of Olivia's bedroom. So here they are...
I love the polka dots!
Stripes... these were a pain to get perfect but I had a little help! (thanks Auntie Jen!)
Cute little dollhouse bookshelf- already FULL of books!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Another photo session!
So mommy went shopping... again! There were some amazing deals at Children's Place and while I tried my hardest to resist the temptation I could not help myself. The clothes were so cute and were screaming Olivia's name! I have rationalized my shopping spree as well since everthing was on sale. Anyway... this was one of my favorite purchases and Olivia did her best to ham it up for the camera. 

The last picture taken. I think she had enough!

The last picture taken. I think she had enough!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
All bundled up!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Curly Livy Lu!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Skipping School!
Olivia stayed home from school today just to make sure she was 100% before heading back to her friends at The Learning Tree. Her and daddy hung out all day long in their pajamas. There was lots of cuddling, naps and smiles all around. I am pretty sure Olivia has daddy wrapped around her little finger.
One of many naps that Olivia took during her "play hooky" with daddy day!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
New Friends!
Olivia loves floor time and has been quite happy laying on her back and just looking around at her surroundings. This weekend we decided to introduce her to some new friends. We pulled her play gym out of the box and the three little bugs that dangle down are now new entertainment for Livy Lu. She smiled at them, laughed at them and eventually began to bat at them making them swing to and fro. She some how even managed to grab a hold of one of them which surprised her. 

Poor little baby!
Olivia is sick... poor little thing. She had a stuffy nose all day yesterday and woke up this afternoon with a fever. After some advice from Auntie Jen we took her temperature (the not so fun way). While Olivia didn't seem to mind the thermometer stuck in the most uncomfortable of places she did manage to pee all over mommy and daddy's bed in the process. She had her first dose of tylenol and has slept the day away. When she has been awake to eat or get a diaper change she has been full of smiles and giggles. You wouldn't even know she was sick. She has had lots of cuddles today from mommy and daddy... because cuddles fix everything, ya know!!!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Our little artist!
Here is one of Olivia's first art projects from school. While we are told she screamed while her handprints were being done we have no doubt we have a future artist on our hands!
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