Clifford came to Olivia's school today for a little visit. She was less than thrilled.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Fuzzy Head!
It seems that everywhere we take Olivia people always comment on how much hair she has. Then they take one look at her mommy and realize where she got it from. Many people say her hair looks like a little toupe or insist it will still fall out. Silly people! Her hair is not going any where! It has grown longer since birth and seems to be getting lighter as well. When she gets out of the bath there is a little curl to it and is very fuzzy. She is our little fuzz head! Here she is right after a bath- hair flipping out and all!!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
First Day of School!
Yesterday was Olivia's first day of school and I am pretty sure she did much better then mommy did! She was dropped off at 6:30 in the morning (by a misty eyed mommy) and was wide awake, ready to explore her new environment. She was enthralled by her classroom- so much so she decided to only take two 15 minute cat naps the whole day. By the time her 3:00 bottle came around she was exhausted and fell asleep in the middle of eating (see picture below). Daddy picked her up at 3:30 p.m. to take her home for a much needed nap. Livy Lu had a great first day! She had lots of fun meeting her new friends and teachers. Mommy was even able to spend her lunch break with the little peanut and get a baby fix. Since she didn't nap much during the day, Olivia had to catch up on her sleep at night. She fell asleep at 9:00 p.m. and did not wake up until 4:45 a.m.!!!
Playing under the play gym at school.
In the middle of a burp, Livy Lu falls fast asleep.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Another photo session!
This is one of my favorite outfits! I of course had to get some cute pictures of Livy Lu wearing it and she cooperated perfectly! All smiles... I think she is begining to realize what to do when the camera comes out.

Friday, January 25, 2008
Vain little baby!
Olivia received this onsie as a hand-me-down from one of her new little friends! It is hilarious so mommy had a photo session with her wearing it today.
Olivia decided to be little miss photogenic and turn on her charm for the camera.

Thursday, January 24, 2008
Bath time... finally!
Olivia's umbilical cord has yet to fall off all the way so we have had to postpone the first bath for a while. It has been driving mommy crazy. Well today we got the okay from the doctor to give Olivia her first bath. While we had high hopes that she would love bath time we knew Olivia's hatred for being naked would most like take over. Sure enough bath time was not her favorite and basically screamed the whole time. However the pictures are priceless. Hopefully bath #2 goes a little better.

Chillin' in her bath robe after being tortured in the bath!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
One month old!
Olivia turned one month old this morning at 7:13 a.m. She happened to be wide awake at this time so mommy got to wish her Happy One Month Birthday! It is so hard to believe that our baby is already one month. Time is flying by! She is getting so big and developing quite a personality. She already has a stubborn streak and we can foresee that future temper tantrums are going to be very dramatic. She smiles from ear to ear and is begining to "coo". She is our little peanut. Happy Birthday, Livy Lu!
Her likes:
* Cuddling
* Getting her hair washed
* Her swing
* Lights and windows
* Car rides
Her dislikes:
* Being naked- so diaper changes and sponge baths are not that fun!
* Tummy time
* Getting into her car seat
* Being burped
Olivia with her teddy bear, Fleming!
The Sleep Sack!
Probably one of the best inventions not only because it keeps baby warm but because they are so cute on baby. Olivia loves her little sleep sack and has them in a variety of colors.

Sunday, January 13, 2008
Messy Little Eater
We have had quite the adventure getting our little one to drink from a bottle. She does it almost too well. Everytime we feed her she eats like we have never fed her before. She is a chugger and often forgets to swallow causing milk to come spilling out of her mouth and down her chin. She is so messy. Our little lady is not such a lady when it comes to feeding time. We are sure she will appreciate these pictures some day!

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Playing dress up!
One of Mommy's favorite things to do is to dress up Olivia in all of her cute clothes.

One of the little girls from Karen's work bought Olivia this shirt. It suits her, don't you think?
Anna, Karen's niece, picked these shoes out especailly for Olivia. While they are still a bit too big, Mommy couldn't resist putting them on her!
The whole outfit, complete with little flare jeans! Our baby has style already!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Olivia and her puppy!
Well we caved in already and bought Livy Lu her first puppy. He was so cute we couldn't resist. He's the best kind too... the stuffed kind. She loves him lots!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Photo Shoot
Thursday, January 3, 2008
My baby is growing!
Olivia went to the doctor for her 3 week check up today. My baby now weighs 8 lbs 4 oz. In my heart I know this is a good thing but she is already growing too fast!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Time to swing!
Olivia loves her swing. She thinks the music is great (although it scares daddy) and she loves the birds and leaves that spin around above her head.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
The Pacifier
Although Olivia is not a huge fan of her pacifier she does like it once in a while. This picture makes me laugh because the pacifier if so big and her face is so little.
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